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Why do professionals use PAGS®?

"Often learners are surrounded by different professionals who are following different targets from their professional perspective. With PAGS®, all these services are bounded together, offering a holistic view of the learners."

Dr Bruhl Kwan
Clinical Psychologist
Why do teachers use PAGS®?

"What I like about PAGS®, is the fact that it ticks different boxes: children’s needs, the online assessment, tracks progress and gives the flexibility to have it all in one system."

Rob Harding
Deputy Head Teacher
Why do parents use PAGS®?

"The biggest advantage is that you can work on these issues much quicker. The quicker that these basic learning and life skills are taught and recognised, the quicker the child can be helped."

Karen Verbeeck
a psychologist who recommends PAGSa teacher who has used PAGSa parent who recommends PAGS
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