Fully automated IEP reports consistently provide the latest information, saving hours of administrative time.
The PAGS platform offers a comprehensive all in one solution for uncovering and working on the developmental needs of your learners. Below we have listed some of the key functionality.
We have so many features to show, why not get in touch for a demo to see why PAGS is becoming everyones favourite EDTech Platform.
PAGS uniquely encompasses all four critical areas of the SEND code of practice within a single platform. Our comprehensive yet user-friendly multiple-choice assessments deliver actionable insights into learner development.
Assessments are available for:
- Cognition & Learning
- Communication & Interaction
- Self-Regulation
- Social Interaction & Awareness
The platform allows for collaboration, invite unlimited staff, parents, and external practitioners to contribute to assessments and document context with notes for each question.
Assessments can be repeated as needed, with answers, notes, and results stored separately, facilitating easy review of learner progression at any time.
Reviewing assessment results is key to deeply understanding your learners. PAGS enables the easy identification of developmental needs that contribute to poor attainment, as well as social, behavioural, and attendance issues.
More crucially, it allows for the creation of an evidence-based development plan, enabling you to justify your targets and approach.
PAGS displays the developmental age vs actual age for each assessment.
This simple metric allows you to not only bench mark and track progress, but articulate the developmental needs of the learner in a way staff and parents can understand instantly.
Say goodbye to cookie cutter. Stop wasting time scrolling huge lists of generic targets you struggle to justify.
The PAGS algorithm automatically selects specific targets to meet the needs identified through assessment, so you can be sure you're working on the highest priority needs.
Manually enter custom targets covering anything you wish. Add in specific EHCP targets, pastoral objectives or even goals and tasks you want to document. The ability to add any target you feel relevant, all pulled through into reporting and tracked within a single platform
Never have that "what can I do with them for this target" moment again.
PAGS provides unique strategies custom to every target, so once you select the target, you have resources instantly ready to support the learner in achieving them.
Document the work your doing at every step, with PAGS you can update each target adding context to the work you have done and upload any supporting files as evidence.
Organise all targets and interventions by developing learner plans, which can be yearly, termly, or weekly, according to your preference.Allocate a budget for each plan and begin adding items such as Targets, Interventions, and custom items. Then, use drag and drop to arrange them in order of priority. Assign start and end dates, as well as statuses to each plan item, to establish clear timelines and monitor progress. Document the staff members assigned to each item, track the hours spent, and include additional costs and resources to create the most detailed provision mapping tool available.
Fully automated IEP reports consistently provide the latest information, saving hours of administrative time.
IEP Report - Confirmed
APDR Report - Confirmed
360 Report - Confirmed
Progression Report - Confirmed
For all your reporting needs, rest assured, we have you covered.
Especially useful for heads and senior staff, We aggregate the learner data and surface it on the school dashboard, so at a glance you can see overviews and gain detailed insight.
Understand the School mood, Average attendance, Behaviour and SEN Score. See how many learners have and have not taken assessments and much more.
"Seeing the most common conditions and access arrangements in my school makes identifying staff CPD so simple"